Robo Weldor- Winning group

Earlier this month Mrs. Perkins welcomed Bots IQ and ARM(Advanced Robotics and Manufacturing) Institute employees to judge Innovation Lab students as part of the Robo Recharge Challenge. Students were tasked with developing a robotic solution to a problem.  The process students’ used to find robotic solutions for everyday problems involved the following criteria. 

  1. Problem Identification: The solution should address a real-life problem that people face in their daily lives. 

  2. Solution Design: The design of the solution should be well thought out and should take into consideration various factors such as cost, safety, efficiency, and usability. 

  3. Creativity: The solution should be creative and innovative, demonstrating the student’s ability to think out of the box and come up with unique solutions. 

  4. Technical Competence: The solution should demonstrate the student’s technical knowledge. 

  5. Presentation: The student should be able to clearly communicate their solution and its benefits to a panel of judges. 

  6. Impact: The solution should have a positive impact on society, and the student should be able to explain how their solution can make a difference in people’s lives. 

Four groups of students came up with various solutions which included a robotic welder, robotic arm for picking up hay bales, a robotic weed eater and lastly a robotic lizard tank. Student’s took this challenge a step further by designing scaled prototypes using 3D and Resin printers. Thank you to BotsIQ and the ARM Institute for all of your help and great job students!