The PDE Comprehensive Plan Public Review Period refers to a specific period of time during which the public is given the opportunity to review and provide feedback on a comprehensive plan developed by an LEA (West Greene SD). A comprehensive plan outlines the strategic goals, objectives, and actions that the PDE intends to pursue to improve education in the state.

Over the past year, the West Greene School District has been authoring our newest Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.  The plan has been created through data analysis and needs assessments while reflecting the needs and priorities of our community.

During the 28-day review period, public input is crucial as it enables the district to consider a diverse range of perspectives and incorporate relevant feedback into the final version of the comprehensive plan. By engaging the public in the review process, West Greene aims to ensure that the plan reflects the needs and priorities of our community.

Please review the following presentation.  The last page contains a link to the proposed plan, a survey to submit your plan feedback, and further information from PDE about the Comprehensive Planning process.