Unless otherwise stated, the Fitness Center will be closed for the remainder of the week. We will resume normal operating hours on Monday, February 10, 2025.

West Greene FFA is having an apparel sale. Check out the site! https://stores.inksoft.com/westgreeneffa/shop/products/all?page=1

It is not too late to make your Valentine's Day order! Complete the google form here: https://stores.inksoft.com/westgreeneffa/shop/products/all?page=1

Earlier this month 16 Seniors in FFA were presented with their Keystone (State) FFA Degrees and 23 Freshmen & Sophomores were awarded their First FFA Jacket at the PA FFA Mid-Winter Convention at the PA Farm Show in Harrisburg, PA. Congratulations to all on your hard work and thank you to all the sponsors that make this possible!

January 2025 Regularly Scheduled School Board Meeting
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM - PreBoard Workshop / Approx. 7:00 PM - Meeting Start
Location: WG Admin Board Conference Room
Zoom: https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/91437916781?pwd=L0pZb3BsNlRDaUtQNVF2c1hrSjFEZz09

Now Hiring! 9-Month LPN - Application packets are available at the District Office or call 724-499-5183 X 2210. Submit application, cover letter, resume, three reference letters, and clearances to Brian R. Jackson, Superintendent, West Greene School District, 1352 Hargus Creek Road, Suite D100, Waynesburg, PA 15370 by February 7, 2025. E.O.E.

9-Month Custodian
West Greene School District
Full-time permanent position with benefits. Application packets are available at the District Office or call 724-499-5183 X 2210. Submit application, cover letter, resume, three reference letters, and clearances to Brian R. Jackson, Superintendent, West Greene School District, 1352 Hargus Creek Road, Suite D100, Waynesburg, PA 15370 by February 7, 2025. E.O.E.

Attention Senior Parents: We will be having a very important meeting on February 19th at 5:45pm to discuss the senior trip. Hope to see you there!

It might be cold, but it is still time for Valentine's Day Orders!
Please complete the google form no later than February 4, 2025. Orders will be ready by February 14th, if you need a special time or day, please put it in the comments on the form.

ATTENTION all PreK-6th grade parents: There is a parent workshop on Wednesday, March 12th. I am looking for parents to attend who would like to learn about ways you can help your child experience more success in school. The training is free to parents and will fit within the time limits of the school day. The training will be at Lakeside Party Center and will include a light breakfast and a lunch. For additional information or to register, please contact Mr. Painter at painterd@wgsd.org or 724-499-5183 x2310. Contact soon, spots are limited.

Members of the Student Government attended Student Forum, held at Range Resources Southpointe. They excitedly listened to Pittsburgh Pirates Game Host, Joe Klimchak, talk about his successes as an adult by setting goals and following his childhood dreams. The students were active listeners and ask several great questions. When debriefing with the students after the event, they all agreed that it was an amazing session and they are happy they were given the opportunity to attend.

Mya Robison celebrated reading 6 books with a total of more than 132 pages during her winter break by going to the book machine. She picked out a chapter book of her choice! Excellent work, Mya!

School's Closed - Monday, Jan. 6th, 2025.

ATTENTION: Class of 2026 (Juniors)
I have talked to many of you, and I have been emailing you. West Greene is working the Tricada Wrestling Tournament that will be hosted January 2-4th, 2025. We need workers (students and parents) and donations - 12 oz bottled pop, 12 oz Gatorade, granola bars, protein bars, fruit, breakfast items, etc.
Please try searching for "Tricada" in your email. If you have not yet received an email - please reach out to me at wrightk@wgsd.org.
This should be a huge fundraiser for the class, but we need all hands on deck.
Thank you.

Students in grades 4th through 6th had a lot of fun with an escape room in library class this week for their version of Stories by the Fireplace! Students worked hard to solve different types of puzzles in order to find codes and "escape." Congratulations to all of the groups that were able to solve all 5 puzzles and complete the escape room!

Students in grades kindergarten through 3rd had a lot of fun with Stories by the Fireplace in library class this week! There were many Christmas and winter stories shared. Some of the 2nd and 3rd graders even read their stories to their classmates!

The third grade students learned about the Icelandic tradition of a Book Flood that occurs each year on December 24. After learning about how people in Iceland gift books and read them on Christmas Eve, they had a chance to read holiday and winter-themed books by candlelight.

A big thank you goes out to everyone that made the Scholastic Book Fair at the elementary a success this week! Many students were able to walk away from the fair with books to read. Additionally, another big thank you goes out to everyone in the community that donated money for students to shop the fair! Thanks to all of the community support, 40 students were able to shop for books that would have otherwise left empty-handed!

Tis the season! What's cooking in Food and Nutrition? Updates to come!

The goal for this fair is for every student to be able to walk away from the book fair with a book! If you would like to contribute to the Book Fairy eWallet, please use this link. https://shop.scholastic.com/ewallet/fund?lang=en_US&walletId=363a058a-6eeb-4702-9aff-236554897827 All of the money donated will allow students to shop the fair that might not otherwise have been able to do so. (If donating online isn't your thing, you/your child can also donate at the book fair. Please just send a note to let us know that is what the money is for.)