Mr. Bruno and WG elementary students will be preforming their spring program virtually on Tuesday, May 18th at 1:00. Please join the live broadcast with the following link :
over 3 years ago, Don Painter
Topic: May School Board Committee Meeting Time: 6:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 932 2571 1882 Passcode: 5RGK0h
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
A large "thank you" goes out to First Federal S&L of Greene County for their generous donation of commemorative coin sets to our elementary center. Delivering the donation on behalf of FFS&L was Kelly M. Graham.
almost 4 years ago, Don Painter
Just a reminder that 3rd through 6th grade students will be taking the Math portion of the PSSA on Wednesday, April 28th and Thursday, April 29th. Please have your children to school on time.
almost 4 years ago, Don Painter
Topic: West Greene Monthly School Board Meeting Time: April 22, 2021 @ 6 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 3791 6781 Passcode: i5K62z
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Don't forget to register for our Summer Learning Program! Registration ends on Friday, April 23, 2021!
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
WGEC would like to thank Stuck Enterprise/Jacob's Petroleum for awarding us the Exxon Mobil grant in the amount of $500. This grant will be used to purchase materials for the elementary center's STEM program.
almost 4 years ago, Don Painter
Topic: School Board Committee Meeting Date: April 8, 2021 Time: 6:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 932 2571 1882 Passcode: 5RGK0h
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Due to having two active cases of COVID-19 in the elementary center, all elementary students will be on the Remote Instruction Model on Friday, April 9, 2021. Elementary students will return to school for traditional instruction on Monday, April 12, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
There is a scheduled early dismissal this Thursday, April 1st to begin Spring Break. Elementary dismissal and parent pick-up will begin at 12:10 followed by Jr./Sr. High dismissal at 12:15. Buses will depart campus at approximately 12:20. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 6th.
almost 4 years ago, Don Painter
The WGEPO concluded their food drive today. Thousands of food, clothing and toiletry items were donated that will be used to help restock our Pioneer Pantry shelves as well as the WG food boxes. Thank you to all who donated and the WGEPO officers for making this a HUGE success. The winning classes were Mrs. Hart's Kindergarten and Pre-K (pictured below).
almost 4 years ago, Don Painter
Topic: West Greene Monthly School Board Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 3791 6781 Passcode: i5K62z
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Pre-K is now enrolling for the 2021-22 school year. Please see the attached flyer for details and enrollment information.
almost 4 years ago, Don Painter
PreK Flyer
Eric Gaydos is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: School Board Committee Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 932 2571 1882 Passcode: 5RGK0h
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
It is KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION time. West Greene Elementary is currently scheduling appointment times for students who will be eligible for kindergarten in the 2021-22 school year. Students must be 5 years old prior to September 1st and live in the West Greene School District. Screening dates will be April 26th and 27th. Please call 724-499-5183 ext. 2310 to make an appointment or for additional information.
almost 4 years ago, Don Painter
West Greene will be offering the SAT on Tuesday, April 13th starting at 8:30 in the morning. Interested 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students are encouraged to register through Mrs. Cowden via email or in the main office. The cost of the exam is $52 or $68 with the essay.
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
A very generous member of our community recently donated 8 JIMU coding robots to our elementary school. These robots will be utilized throughout the elementary to help teach students the process of coding. Pictured with the robots is Mrs. Shiflett's 2nd grade class.
almost 4 years ago, Don Painter
Donated Coding Robots
Topic: West Greene February School Board Meeting Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 914 3791 6781 Passcode: i5K62z
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Friday, Feb 19th, 2021 - The WGSD will be operating on a 2-hour delay.
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Thursday, February 18, 2021 - Due to inclement weather, West Greene SD will be remote instruction only today.
almost 4 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos